For the basic information about China, please visit the following web addresses:
nanti akan ditambahkan lagi. silahkan usul bagi yang punya ide.
I think it's such a beutiful website. we can get whatever we need bout our lesson here without"pushing-pushing" searching in google. well, i just wanna say thanks to pak Eby coz give us more variative way to study. is the web only in English? coz I'm affraid i make a mistake if i talk in English, is it okey if I talk in my mother language??
really great~! i can improve my english~! lot of my friends didn't like so much~! but i have a positive thinkin'~! selamat berjuang teman-teman semua~!
thanks for your kindness mr eby. i'm very glad when u teached me. if u teached us, please brought some literatures about International Relations.
nice blog!
sir, i take china-jepang class. last week u gave some assignment to summarize some article dat u gave. unlucky for me coz i didn't find de article dat u gave.
it's IS DEMOCRACY POSSIBLE? by Merle Goldman, current history sept'95.
i have searched at currenthistory.com but i couldn't view de article coz i'm not a subscriber. So would you lend me de article? coz i'm eager to do my assignment.
thanks before.
thank u very much, u have a nice and good website for study about china and japan. and u have a nice photo too.
sir I wanna say thank for this webset bcs from this I can to know the litlle more about the cine"s and japan and I hope for other teacher'S from HI had the webset like itis. tthank for all of. and sorry if my englis not so good!!
sir I wanna say thank for this webset bcs from this I can to know the litlle more about the cine"s and japan and I hope for other teacher'S from HI had the webset like itis. tthank for all of. and sorry if my englis not so good!!
can you put a link to our site, sir? and of course, we did it too on our site. i though it's not a bad idea coz we have the same goal about international relations...
thx... :D
viva DR.Hara, this such amazing system of teaching ha! using private blog to give the assignment to your student.
sir, can u make a better learning condition in our class? because although your description is clear enough but for some students your 'high quality word'aren't really understandable.
by this i hope your teaching method can be as cool as your blog.
sir, is it possible for me to discuss more with you about culture and it's effect on international political change? because i'm really impressed by that kind of problem.
thanx so much, A Bientot.
how many times a month you updated this blog? you didn't post a new article for a long time, i think! thx for Ur attention...
sir, you have brilliant thoght, great in ur opinion bout IR affairs and in academics. but when I follow ur class, I think u just out a little thing that u have, I just wanna say that if u can more communicative, we may get more than science, may be like some really political experience that Deng or Mao had. but ur idea to make this site, unpurposely, get me up to study by my self. I proud be ur student. sorry have a bad english.
can you post in your blog about your story, "bagaimana cerita seorang eby hara hingga terdampar di Jember"...
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